Unfortunately, we don’t have state-specific content for Co-opLaw.org regarding this state at the moment. However, we do have resources that could be beneficial. Cooperative laws in the U.S. vary by state, which makes it difficult to provide detailed information for each state. Nonetheless, we’ve compiled additional resources below that may offer more state-specific information.
Michigan Cooperative Resources
Michigan Cooperatives– overview of cooperatives in Michigan written by Chris Bardenhagen an attorney and researcher investigating a variety of forms of agricultural business organization as well as Kate Redman is an attorney working with community enterprise and social entrepreneurship law in Michigan.
Other Resources
The National Cooperative Business Association’s (NCBA) State Cooperative Statute Website is a comprehensive, state-by-state review of co-op law. NCBA’s mission is to develop, advance, and protect cooperative enterprise. Their work highlights the impact that cooperatives have in the economic success of communities around the world.
The ICA Group, based in Massachusetts, created this resource for state and federal law, policy proposals, and legal forms that might have specific information about your state.
Contribute to Your State's Page
Please email communications[at]theselc.org if you would like to help create a page for your state!