Co-op Law
Resources for Worker Cooperatives
Co-op Law
Resources for Worker Cooperatives

Cooperativa de trabajadores: una gran opción para emprendedores indocumentados(grabación en español)/Worker Coops: a great option for undocumented entrepreneurs


Related Resources

Teach-in: Subchapter T & How Money Flows Through a Cooperative

Are you a co-op and getting ready to do your taxes? In this teach-in our Director of Economic Democracy, Ricardo Nuñez, and SELC Staff Attorney, Gregory Jackson, provide an introduction to the powerful way that worker cooperatives equitably distribute wealth and why it matters for your cooperative’s taxes! They covered: How does money flow through


Sample Disclosure Document- Green Commonwealth Cooperative Inc.

The document below was  graciously provided to by, a Green Commonwealth Cooperative Inc. a worker-owned cooperative based in San Francisco, California. Rainbow Grocery, founded in 1975 and now with over 220 worker-owners, is the largest worker cooperative in the western United States! Thanks, Rainbow Grocery! Please note that SELC does not endorse, nor has


El Proceso Legal Para Iniciar Tu Negocio Cooperativa

Tu Negocio Cooperativa Manual Una Guía para todos tipos de negocios! Introducción a las empresas cooperativas de trabajadores. Puesto que las cooperativas son propiedad y están controladas por y para los empleados que trabajan allá, son operadas diferentemente de las empresas tradicionales en unos aspectos clave. Este manual cuenta con muchos recursos, plantillas y consideraciones